Creative Date Ideas for Teens

Here is a list of 27 creative date ideas for teens that will help get your teenager off of their device and out having fun with friends.

27 date ideas for teens

Ever since my oldest turned 16, I’ve been so excited for him to get out there and DATE!  Dating was just so much fun for me.  I wanted him to experience it as I had. I didn’t need him to “date someone”, but I think there is a great importance in going out on dates.  It helps work on manners, conversation skills, encourages you to put yourself outside your comfort zone, think of someone beside yourself and so many other things that come with the asking and going on a date.  Not just hanging out in a group.

Maybe someday he’ll be ok with me sharing about the first date I urged him into, all of the times I begged him to ask someone to prom, or the excitement I felt when a friend asked him to Sadie Hawkins. But he’s more private and prefers that I not share details of his life.  And I’ve probably already said too much!

I am grateful that he and his brother have a really fabulous group of friends, boys and girls, mostly from the cross country team.  And they hang out together any chance they get. I’ve shared on Instagram how much I love to have their gatherings hosted at our home.  Because teenagers are my favorite.

I’ve suggested various activities they could do, but they tend to do the same movie night.  Even though they don’t end up really watching a movie, but talking the entire time.  So, I wanted to help and share this free printable for creative date ideas for teens.  Hopefully it will give them some ideas and your teen too!

Relationship IQ

In the month of September on Instagram, I dedicated it to talking about helping the kids develop their Relationship IQ and we talked a lot about dating. Search the hashtag: #IPPRelationshipIQ to read our discussions over there. {Or the project hashtag #IntentionalParentingProject to see each month topics–click those links to go there now from my webpage, too}

Teens and Dating

This list can be for one on one dates, group dates, or even a friend gathering. It’s meant to try something creative once a month from the provided list.  I scoured the internet for date ideas for teens, picked some creative ones, then ran them past my boys.  These are the ideas they gave me the thumbs up on.

I originally wanted to challenge them, and all teens, to go out with a different person each month.  My boys have claimed that will make them look like a player.  I thought even if that was true, but if the challenge was out there, they could blame it on the challenge.

But a friend of mine recently changed my perspective.  She said that if they just go on a date for the sake of checking off a list, that’s not the best way to go about it either, right? The point is to take friends out on dates.  And then to continue to keep their friendship going. Am I expecting too much? I don’t think so, but I know the kids will need some coaching, too. I’m glad she brought this to my attention, because if you go on a date with someone and ask others out, too, it may hurt feelings if the friendship was all about just that one date

What is the solution??? Whether group dates or friend groups, my hope is that they can socialize, have conversations, and have FUN!

>>>>>>>>Download a free printable list of 27 creative date ideas for teens HERE.<<<<<<<<

Date Ideas for Teens

  • Dessert Bake-off: there are a few ways to do this, but I think it would be fun to start at the grocery store with a recipe in mind or search there. Each couple gets their ingredients, goes to a different home to bake, then meet at one spot at the end with judges or just to enjoy the treats together. As an alternative, the whole group can grab ingredients and bake all together at one home and then enjoy.
  • Board Game Night: This may seem self explanatory, but if each kids brought a game to the night, they can play them all. Cards, boards, etc.
  • Paint a Canvas: Go to an art store, get some paints and canvas, present a theme (maybe around a holiday or time of year) and PAINT! Alternatively, have a bowl of ideas, and they pull from them to paint.
  • Karaoke: Lots of great apps for this, fun to watch and hear others favorite songs.
  • Museum Scavenger Hunt: My oldest said this sounded fun. Museums can be pricey, so look for the free or discounted days, but help make a list in advance of what to look for and split into teams at the museum.
  • Spa Night (DIY mask, mani/pedi): This may sound silly, especially for boys, but that’s what makes it fun…right? Picture of the group in a mask=priceless! Foot scrub and lotion massage…yes, please!
  • Make a Silly Video: I saw this referring to “Toy Story”. Each group or couple makes a 10 minute movie with a toy, and then they all watch each others.
  • Candy making: I have lots of mold for holidays, grab some melting chocolate and have fun making, wrapping, and even delivering.
  • Photo Scavenger Hunt: Lots of these around the internet, set out at a location such as the neighborhood, a park, the mall, a store, and find items to snap, then share with the group at the end.
  • Pudding Pictionary: Messy but sounds fun! Each team/couple has a cookie sheet and pudding. Maybe ideal outside, but you draw your selected word in pudding!
  • SPOONS: A game with cards and spoons, often hidden in the room to discover. Look up directions on that online.
  • Thrift Store Competition: Each goes to the thrift store with $10 and find something unique/crazy/silly/weird.
  • Holiday Scavenger Hunt: This can be any holiday, I love a good theme, dressing festive, eating holiday treats, etc. Make a night of it!
  • Graham Cracker Dream Home: Kinda like gingerbread designing, but with graham crackers, can be done any time of year, each group/couple works together on building a “dream home.”

Outdoor Date Ideas

  • Bike Ride: Using your own bikes, renting (or borrowing a tandem) go to a bike trail and enjoy nature.
  • Park Picnic: I saw something on that has lots of different themes for picnics, but just the act of going to a park with food is really fun! Everyone (or couple) assigned to bring a different dish.
  • Fly Kites: Wait for a windy day, but dollar stores may have this, or borrow from friends.
  • Puzzle in the Park: I suggested this for a date for my son because he loves puzzles, and he actually enjoyed it. It may help to have a folding table, or a puzzle mat, but he said they just destroyed the partially done puzzle at the end of the night. Something to do while chatting.
  • Downtown Audio Walking Tour: Lots of apps for this, too. Fun way to see the city. See Groupon for discounts for these.
  • Build a Model Rocket/Car: I thought this was a great idea. Hobby Lobby has lots of models (use that 40% off coupon) and build it together, in a group, however!

Service Date Ideas

I wanted to highlight service because what better way to get to know someone than through heartwarming service????

  • Heart Attack elderly or sick child: Cut out a bunch of colorful hearts, you can write thoughtful, kind, encouraging words on them if you know the person, or go deliver to a hospital or rest home if you don’t. (Tap the hearts to a door or wall for a “heart attack.”)
  • Pick up Garbage at a Park/Road side: Leave the earth better than you found it! Put on gloves, grab some bags, beautiful while you chat. Interesting conversation will likely come up as you pick it up.
  • Make Cookies and deliver: Is someone you know having a hard time? Want to reach out? Whether a kids your age, older, or younger, bake some treats and deliver.
  • Offer free babysitting:  Take kids to a park, read them books, host a game day, send the parents out on a date while the couple entertains.
  • Read to a Grade school class: Ask a teacher you know if you can stop by and read.
  • Do Yard Work for elderly or sick: Yard work for someone else always feels better than for yourself.
  • Teach Someone one of your talents: Share talents whether through music or art or sports, both the young and the elderly just like to watch!

Connect With Your Teens

Your Intentional Connection Playbook

10 unique ways for parents and teens to build a closer relationship

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Connect With Your Teens

Your Intentional Connection Playbook

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