It's hard not to take it personally when it feels like you're trying to hug a cactus.
You'd be rich if you had a dollar for every time you thought "It's not all about you"
They are busy and leave wrappers on the floors & in couch cushions.
And the consequences are far scarier than anything you faced at their age
Teens notice clever ironies. They love to laugh and have an enthusiasm and zest for life that is contagious
Evolving opinions and ideas can facilitate fun & deep conversations, which leads to greater connection
Creativity fuels optimism and hope that isn't jaded and creates a unique type of resourcefulness
Sure, teens take risks, but they also bounce back - especially when supported by loving parents
Start with 10 simple, but unique ways to start building a closer, more enjoyable relationship with your teens
Join me for a weekly discussion around misconceptions and myths as we fight parenting fear
Dive deep into connecting with your teen inside of my course: “Unconditional Connection”
Teens have a bad rap. But the truth is, parenting teens can be full of joy and connection.
As parents we must recognize the challenges they face; hold ourselves accountable and be intentional about connection.
I want to help!
10 unique ways for parents and teens to build a closer relationship
10 unique ways for parents and teens to build a closer relationship