Confidence Building for Teens

Help Your Teen Build Confidence!

The new Consider This: Confidence Building for Teens cards are here! 

Confidence Building Activities

We know teen life is DIFFICULT. Social media, school work, friends, and other pressures in their world grow stronger every year. Building confidence through it all can seem like an uphill battle, for both teens and their parents. 

And low confidence is a problem that plagues nearly half of all teens. 

As a mother of two teens (and a graduated teen!), I’ve been a parent for over 20 years. I understand how hard it can be to help your teen build the confidence you want them to have so they grow into the person you know they can be!

That’s why I created Consider This: Confidence Building for Teens. A stack of 100 digital cards with 50 confidence-building scenarios to discuss with your teen. They’re conversation starters that actually work and can help you connect with your teen (and help them build confidence!) in a way that feels comfortable for both of you.

Buy cards here

Most parents I speak with struggle with the same parenting concerns. Maybe you’ve had these thoughts, too:

“My teen struggles with their self esteem and I’m not sure how to help.”

“I don’t know how to help my teen see their value, I’ve tried so many different 

approaches and nothing seems to work.” 

“I’m not sure how to help my teen build their confidence, my older teens seemed to 

be inherently confident.”

“My teen doesn’t handle disappointment very well and I wish I knew how to help.”

You’ve likely tried other solutions. Parenting books, role play, and even breaching those tough conversations at the dinner table or in the car. But your teen doesn’t want to hear about your latest read or podcast listen and they definitely don’t want to role play (especially if it’s a new thing for your family).

It’s time to arm yourself with the right tools to help your teen build confidence. 

You need the Consider This: Confidence Building for Teens discussion cards!

With Consider This: Confidence Building for Teens, you’ll have 50 conversation starters to help your teen: 

  • Understand that small actions can lead to more confidence
  • Learn the tools and skills needed to handle disappointment 
  • Focus on effort instead of outcome
  • Become more assertive and self aware of their needs

What are discussion cards? 

Discussion cards are a great way to connect with your teen! Each digital “card” outlines a specific scenario to start a conversation between parent and teen. Offering the same benefits of role play, it’s a much more comfortable way to connect to your teen and help them work through different scenarios to see how confidence is built line upon line. 

By considering likely situations in advance, you can visualize how you might respond to them when there’s “no pressure.” You can then confidently deal with similar situations in your life when they occur. “Forewarned is forearmed,” as the old saying goes. Through discussion with others, these task cards enable you to tackle commonplace fears, ordinary concerns, and anxiety-inducing situations in advance and become more competent and confident in dealing with them. You can take charge when faced with distressing situations. You can become the agent of your own learning.

Who are the discussion cards for? 

These discussion cards can be used by families, teachers, and especially teens (and even mature tweens) themselves to understand difficult situations, develop new skills, and become more confident in everyday interactions. Use them to discuss a variety of potential scenarios and learn together.

What’s included? 

After purchase, you’ll download a zip file of 100 digital cards. On the front of each card is the scenario, flip to the back for the idea to consider and further discussion. Each scenario offers endless discussion.


“Kristen’s consider this cards are incredible conversation starters. The way she presents scenarios with open ended answers allow parents and teens to approach difficult topics in a Way that isn’t intimidating or forced. You will love these cards!”


“Kristen has some great prompts of things I haven’t thought of. She has really good insights on teens because she has worked with teenagers a lot.”


“Often we expect kids to know so many different things–but they don’t know unless we teach them! These thought provoking cards provide opportunities for parents and teens to have really great discussions. They are a perfect way to have non-threatening teaching opportunities.”

“This is something I’ve been looking for for a long time. The cards ask a question, and you talk about it, it’s great dinner time discussion.”


Buy cards here

Connect With Your Teens

Your Intentional Connection Playbook

10 unique ways for parents and teens to build a closer relationship

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