Admit Mistakes

How to help teens admit mistakes.

It’s hard for any of us to admit when we are wrong. We can guide our kids with these 5 steps, and teach them while young that it’s a part of life, and the sooner we realize that, the better.

Here’s what the community said:
“This is a great illustration. Years ago I had an older mom tell me to “pray that my kids are caught in sin”. It took a moment, but I realized that if they are not caught then the conversation related to your illustration doesn’t occur. And we know it’s much easier to recover from mistakes in your younger years than later. Well, most of them. Some do have lifelong consequences but that’s another post entirely.”

“I can’t believe this is your post today. A major mistake was made by my teen and I barely slept. Now instead of saying all the wrong things I can focus on the better way to handle it. Thank you.”

“I love this. Imagine a world full of adults who have learned that mistakes are OK and to take responsibility for said mistake 🤯”

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Connect With Your Teens

Your Intentional Connection Playbook

10 unique ways for parents and teens to build a closer relationship

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Kristen Duke

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Connect With Your Teens

Your Intentional Connection Playbook

10 unique ways for parents and teens to build a closer relationship

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