Teens and Social Media

Sharing my best tips for how to help guide Teens and Social Media.

teens and social media

How to Help Teens Navigate Social Media

Social media is a big part of the teen culture today. Most of the teens are on some form of social media. If they aren’t its because their parents are fearful it will ruin them for life. It’s true, social media should not be handled recklessly, it should be used with caution and introduced carefully. I’ve put together an e-book that I want to share for free.  I want to help parents figure out how to help teenagers navigate social media in the right way.  Just like you wouldn’t give keys to the car to your teen without teaching them to drive, you shouldn’t allow them to have social media without some training as well.

Using Social Media

Having been on social media myself since it practically began, I’ve had many parents coming to me asking questions about teens using social media. It’s made me a little nervous at times, because I knew they took my suggestions with a high value.  They saw me as a social media expert and my kids were on social media. I would share with them my stipulations, but some of these tips I’m sharing weren’t in place when my oldest began using social media.

Fortunately, all has gone rather smoothly in our home, and SO FAR, we haven’t had many issues. We talk about social media a LOT.  And they see me using it for my business, so they GET a lot of things that some teens may not because of what I do. One of the tips that I mention in different words throughout the free e-book is to have an open line of communication about what is being posted and consumed, that’s is VITAL to the health of teens and social media.

Teens Addicted to Social Media

Unfortunately, this is a big problem! I address this in my e-book as well.  And offer suggestions on  how to combat the addiction that tends to be rampant in society. There is a way, we just need to be AWARE! I’m all for helping teenagers addicted to social media!

Free e-book
I created this free e-book for you, sign up for my once a week email newsletter, and it will come as a download to your inbox right after. I  promise to never SPAM via emails, but only to send highlights of our parenting HOT TOPIC discussions from Instagram as well as seasonal and evergreen content from my website.

Even if you already signed up, follow the steps below.  Or wait for the newsletter to come out if you’d like as well.

Listen to the extended discussion of this e-book on episode #71 of Beyond Good Intentions

Connect With Your Teens

Your Intentional Connection Playbook

10 unique ways for parents and teens to build a closer relationship

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Connect With Your Teens

Your Intentional Connection Playbook

10 unique ways for parents and teens to build a closer relationship

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